Clear water and blue sky,Respect nature and compete for the future

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Clear water and blue sky,Respect nature and compete for the future

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Leave a beautiful home with blue sky, green earth and clear water for future generations

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Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the guidance of the ecological civilization thought, China's ecological civilization construction has undergone historic, turning and overall changes from recognition to practice. The sky is bluer, the water is clearer, and the mountains are greener step by step.

On May 7, 2018, in the Great Hall of Beijing, Chairman * was presiding over the plenary meeting of the Inspection Group for the Enforcement of the Air Pollution Prevention Law of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.

At that time, it was only two months before the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People's Congress took office* Law enforcement and inspection directly refer to pollution prevention and control.

"Through this law enforcement inspection, we should promote the implementation of the socialist thought with new era characteristics, especially the thought on the construction of ecological civilization, make it run through the economic, political, cultural and social construction, promote the whole party and the whole country to consciously implement the new development concept, and form a strong joint force to jointly promote the construction of ecological civilization."* The chairman's words resounded.

In this regard, a five-year "series" of supervision in the field of ecological and environmental protection officially kicked off.

01. Shine the sword of law and return the blue sky, white clouds and stars to the common people

"The environment is the people's livelihood, the green mountains are beautiful, and the blue sky is also happy."

In May 2018, the Party held the National Ecological Environment Protection Conference, which formally established the idea of ecological civilization, providing a powerful ideological weapon for protecting the ecological environment and building a beautiful society. It was emphasized at the meeting that the most important thing to do well in the battle of pollution prevention and control is to resolutely win the battle of defending the blue sky and return the blue sky, white clouds and stars to the people.

A few days later, the enforcement inspection team of the Air Pollution Prevention Law of the Standing Committee was divided into four groups, and went to 8 provinces and regions to inspect the implementation of the law on the spot* The Chairman served as the leader of the law enforcement inspection team, leading the team to Henan and Inner Mongolia successively.

"We should thoroughly study and implement the socialist ideology with new era characteristics, especially the ideology of ecological civilization, effectively implement the Law on the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution, consolidate legal responsibilities, address both the symptoms and root causes according to law, protect the blue sky and white clouds with legal weapons, and enhance the happiness of the people in the blue sky."

From people's homes to symposiums, from construction sites to workshops, wherever they go, * and members of the inspection team have taken the lead in actively preaching the idea of ecological civilization, which is required to be implemented in all aspects of work, production and life.

It is pointed out that the idea of ecological civilization has fundamentally reversed some incorrect development concepts that have existed for many years, carried out top-level design and deployment for the construction of ecological civilization, made efforts to promote the solution of outstanding ecological environmental problems that people care about, and provided guidance and guidance for the construction of beautiful city.

"During the field inspection in Henan, the Chairman and members of the inspection team worked very carefully and deeply, and also walked into the homes of ordinary people to check the real situation of coal to electricity, which impressed me deeply."

He Hong, the national representative, is the representative directly contacted by the Chairman of the Communist Party of China. As a member of the Communist Party of China in the field of air pollution prevention and control, the Chairman specially invited him to participate in this law enforcement inspection. He Hong said that during the inspection, the Chairman of the Committee attached great importance to the opinions of *, and the symposium would set aside time for the accompanying * to speak. He Hong was very moved.

Lu Zhiqiang, a representative of Baotou City and a villager, did not expect to become a "guest of honor" of the Chairman of the Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) even if he had a wife. Based on his experience in production and life at the grassroots level, he suggested to the inspection team that agricultural machinery manufacturing enterprises should develop and produce targeted agricultural machinery equipment with high scientific and technological content and good results in combination with rural reality to solve the problem of straw burning.

Lv Zhiqiang attended a special symposium held in Inner Mongolia. The law enforcement inspection team listened to the opinions and suggestions of the deputies to the Fifth People's Congress on the implementation of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution. This is an important innovation of the current National Standing Committee in the inspection of law enforcement.

The original grass-roots voice reflects the direct wishes and aspirations of the people.

And members of the inspection team listened carefully to each representative's speech, asked questions from time to time, and interacted with representatives. The Chairman solemnly said to everyone: "The problems you have just reflected and the suggestions you have put forward are very targeted. The inspection team will sort them out one by one and carefully study them with the relevant departments."

"In only half a day, we can understand the views and concerns of deputies at different levels of the National People's Congress on the Law on the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution." Wang Jinnan, a member of the inspection team and a member of the National People's Congress's Environmental Protection and Assets Supervision Committee, was impressed by this innovative model. "Through the five level deputies to the National People's Congress, we can establish a monitoring network for the fight against pollution, especially the battle to defend the blue sky."

Cherish every word from the grass-roots level in order to find out the effectiveness of law enforcement and find out the real problems, which can also test the "quality" of the NPC's supervision.

In the past two months, 26 cities, 29 symposiums, 107 units and projects have left deep footprints of the law enforcement inspection team.

In electric power, steel, coal, chemical and other enterprises, the inspection team went deep into factories and mines to learn more about the enterprise's technological upgrading, energy conservation and emission reduction; In the community, the inspection team carefully checked the coal-fired transformation facilities and went into the residents' homes to ask about the central heating; At remote sensing monitoring points and bus charging stations, the inspection team has a deep understanding of the treatment of motor vehicle pollution emissions and the use and promotion of new energy buses

"We are running for problems. You have done a lot of work, which is not easy, but the situation does not allow us to sit down and enjoy our achievements."

"* When we checked in a high-tech enterprise, the boss only talked about development, avoiding environmental protection, and the typical pressure transmission was not enough."

"You have 17 cities where the air quality is not up to the standard. Have these 17 cities formulated a time roadmap for reaching the standard?"

In law enforcement inspection, words like "acrimony" and "probing into the root" frequently appear.

"The law enforcement inspection is to really find out, grasp and solve problems. It is not allowed to go through the motions and evaluate the merits." "Focus on what problems are outstanding, and go where problems are outstanding." The members of the inspection team should bear in mind the exhortation of Chairman * and always tighten the issue to guide this string.

On July 9, 2018, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress once again held a special meeting for air pollution prevention to "break the rules" and "handle special affairs" - to review the inspection report on the enforcement of the Air Pollution Prevention Law and relevant draft resolutions, and to conduct special inquiries. In accordance with the 2018 supervision work plan and practice of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, this meeting is scheduled to be held in late August.

At the meeting, Chairman * made a report on law enforcement inspection.

The audience picked up the "homework" handed in by the inspection team, and everyone was amazed at the "weight" of the report. This "weight" comes not only from the details and thickness of the report, but also from the "thorough" analysis of problems and suggestions in the report. In the 40 page law enforcement inspection report, two-thirds of the space is devoted to exposing problems, finding root causes, and making suggestions. For cases where the law is not implemented in place, it is even more direct to "name names", * because of the affection, it is easy to release water, whitewash, and ambush.

After the report, there is a stack of attachments, which contain more than 20 pages of random inspection report. According to the clues of secret visit, the inspection team went to the scene without greeting, and carried out spot checks on 12 cities, 38 enterprises and construction sites. The problems in the report were analyzed in detail, and the pictures were intuitive and specific.

Si Jianmin, who served three consecutive terms as a member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, sincerely expressed: "The depth, pertinence, and strength of this law enforcement inspection, the sharp problems exposed, and the pragmatic suggestions made are all historical."

Every detail of the law enforcement inspection is sending a clear signal to the society: to help fight and win the battle against pollution, and to shoulder the mission of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress!

02. Make full use of legal weapons to reproduce the clean water, green bank and shallow bottom

On April 8, 2019, the spring breeze blew over the Mudi River in Qingyang District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, and a sparkling microwave appeared. The bank is covered with green trees and red flowers, which contrast with the clear river. Nearby residents take a walk along the greenway or take a nap on the bench to enjoy a pleasant time.

The * who is leading a team to carry out the law enforcement inspection of the Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law in Sichuan, walked among the citizens who are resting on the river bank, and made friends with everyone.

During the conversation, * had a general understanding of the river pollution control situation here: the Jinjiang River basin where the Mudi River belongs was once called the "rotten river" by the local people because of its "notorious". Now, after intensive regulation, the river has finally returned to its original color and regained its vitality.

Two months later, Yuan Peide, a villager in Beigang Village, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, warmly held the hands of the members of the law enforcement inspection team and welcomed the inspection team home.

"Are you using tap water?" "Is it safe to use an all-round water supply? What I * care about is that everyone uses an all-round water supply."

Go into the kitchen and carefully ask whether it is convenient to use water at home, whether the price is expensive or not, and whether it is all inclusive. It emphasizes that the prevention and control of water pollution must satisfy and be recognized by the people. Yuan Peide was pleased to tell the inspection team that the domestic sewage of the whole village has been effectively treated, and the drinking water is safe!

The General Secretary has emphasized on many occasions that a good ecological environment is a fair public product and an inclusive livelihood.

Water is the source of life, the essence of production and the basis of ecology. The General Secretary clearly requested that the action plan for water pollution prevention and control should be implemented in depth to ensure the availability of drinking water, basically eliminate urban black and smelly water bodies, and return to the people the sight of clean water, green banks, and fish flying at the bottom.

Those who know about house leakage are under the universe, and those who know about government loss are in the grass. In the inspection of law enforcement, * pointed out that "the people's feelings are direct and strong about the quality of the environment. The people's the final say about the effectiveness of pollution control. It's really good for the people to say yes." Therefore, it is a "must" for the inspection team to go to the grass-roots level every time to carry out on-site inspection and get to know the truth from the masses.

"To formulate or amend a law is to set up rules, let the teeth of the legal system 'bite', and give full play to the power of the rule of law."

The Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law, revised in 2017, thoroughly implements the idea of ecological civilization and the new requirements of the Party on promoting the construction of ecological civilization. It is a powerful legal weapon to prevent and control water pollution, protect water resources and ensure water ecology. "As long as the legal provisions are implemented one by one, the prevention and control effect will be doubled with half the effort, and the water pollution problem can be basically solved."

In Sichuan, the inspection team inspected the designation, inspection and protection of drinking water sources at the water plant in the northern suburbs of Luzhou on the spot, directly addressed the shortcomings of law enforcement, emphasized that the water sources must be protected according to law, strengthened the supervision and testing of the whole process of water intake and supply, and planned to build a standby water source, so as to ensure that the drinking water for the people is available.

In Hebei, the inspection team randomly inspected a breeding farm, and found that the pollution control facilities were inadequate and the sewage was difficult to be effectively disposed. It called for promoting the prevention and control of agricultural and rural water pollution according to local conditions, strengthening the overall planning of the comprehensive improvement of the residential environment in villages and towns, and implementing the emission permit system for livestock and poultry farms above designated size according to law.

In Jiangsu, the inspection team successively inspected or randomly inspected more than ten rivers and lakes, including the west branch of the North Shili Changgou in Nanjing, Liaojiagou in Yangzhou, the east bank of Taihu Lake, and the Suzhou moat. It emphasized the need to use legal weapons, give play to the power of the rule of law, continue to strengthen the analysis, prevention and control of all kinds of pollution risks, and effectively prevent pollution from escaping, leaking, accumulating, and sinking.

The law enforcement inspection team closely follows the law, takes strict measures, and never misses any problem or loophole.

In order to accurately understand the implementation of the law, the inspection team should not only "observe six ways", but also "listen to all directions":

The members of the Engineering Institute were invited into the Great Hall. The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress introduced a third party to evaluate the implementation and effect of laws in law enforcement inspections, providing technical support and professional reference for law enforcement inspections.

When conducting on-site inspections in eight provinces, we listened extensively to the opinions and suggestions of deputies to the fifth level NPC, grassroots law enforcement officials, scholars, and enterprise leaders, and turned them into "fixed actions" of NPC supervision.

The standing committees of 23 other provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities were entrusted to carry out self-examination of the implementation of the Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law in their respective administrative regions, so as to achieve "full coverage" of the inspection. A special meeting was organized to listen to the commissioned local reports on the self-examination in person, so as to form a joint force and become another commendable breakthrough and innovation in law enforcement inspection.

In August 2019, the 12th meeting of the 13th NPC Standing Committee heard and reviewed the inspection report on the enforcement of the Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law, and carried out special inquiries. But this is by no means the "end point" of law enforcement inspection. Whether the "good prescription" issued by relevant departments after law enforcement inspection has achieved good results? The Standing Committee will again "feel the pulse".

"The Ministry of Ecology and Environment, together with the People's Court, the People's Procuratorate, the Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other departments and units, as well as relevant provinces (districts, cities) The people's government has carefully studied the inspection report and deliberation opinions on the enforcement of the Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law, proposed relevant measures to strengthen and improve the water pollution prevention and control work in accordance with the legal provisions and responsibility requirements, and accelerated the implementation of the rectification tasks with time limit requirements. "

On April 26, 2020, at the 17th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress, Huang Runqiu, then Vice Minister of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, was entrusted by * to report to the Standing Committee the environmental situation and the completion of environmental protection goals in 2019, as well as the inspection report and review opinions on the study and treatment of the enforcement of the Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law. The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress tracks and supervises the implementation of relevant rectification tasks.

We can see that from the implementation of the ecological civilization idea to the timely launch of law enforcement inspection, to the promotion of solving related problems, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) has taken multiple measures to carry out supervision and inspection from link to link, and continued to make efforts, focusing on actual results, forming a complete closed system, achieving continuity, starting from the beginning to the end, and giving full play to the NPC's supervisory role to a large extent.

03. Promote the settlement of "local" problems according to law, so that people can eat and live at ease

The "APEC Blue" and "Winter Olympic Blue" in the screen brushing circle of friends have gradually become "normal blue", and the black and smelly water that once eluded them has become a space for leisure and relaxation. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the guidance of the thought of ecological civilization, the quality of China's atmosphere, water and other environments has improved significantly.

As the final receptor of air, water, solid and other wastes, have the "hidden diseases" in the soil under our feet that are difficult to be detected by the naked eye also been eradicated?

Compared with air pollution and water pollution, soil pollution has the characteristics of concealment, hysteresis and long-term. In the face of the "war of invisible smoke" of the Pure Land Defense War, the General Secretary clearly requested to strengthen the control and repair of soil pollution, effectively prevent risks, and let the people eat and live at ease.

"We should thoroughly study and implement the socialist thought with new era characteristics, especially the thought of ecological civilization, highlight the key points, carry out inspections one by one against the laws and regulations, and promote the effective implementation of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Soil Pollution." In July 2020, Chairman * laid the general tone for the upcoming inspection of the enforcement of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Soil Pollution by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.

The Law on the Prevention and Control of Soil Pollution is an important law formulated by the Standing Committee of the current National People's Congress one year after the performance of its duties. It will come into force on January 1, 2019. "It is rare for the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress to carry out law enforcement inspections after the law has been formally implemented for more than a year." The Standing Committee continued to carry out law enforcement inspections in the field of ecological and environmental protection, which attracted extensive attention from all sectors of society.

From the field inspection to the formation of the report, the law enforcement inspection team has always compared the law one by one, found problems one by one, and urged the local authorities to establish reform.

Hundreds of millions of people depend on this soil, and everything is born of this soil. The prevention and control of soil pollution is related to the people's "rice bag" and "vegetable basket". Everywhere, the inspection team paid special attention to the soil safety of agricultural land.

A piece of paddy field in Lianyungang Economic Development Zone, Jiangsu Province, where the rice is ready for heading, is growing well.

On August 23, 2020, * and members of the inspection team, who once again served as the leader of the law enforcement inspection team, went deep into the fields and asked about the full utilization of the contaminated cultivated land. Lianyungang cooperated with the Nanjing Institute of Soil Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to find that the main pollutant in this land is lead, and has prepared an implementation plan for the full use of the polluted farmland. Now, after treatment, rice has reached the edible standard.

"Do you know why you are not allowed to plant rice?" In Xinyu Village, Chongqing, the law enforcement inspection team, which is conducting random inspection, pointed to the rice and fruits to be burned and asked the surrounding people.

"I know! The land is polluted. After the original rice was collected, the government also compensated us." The 1000 mu of agricultural land here is found to be polluted through general survey, so it is classified as strictly controlled agricultural land. It is prohibited to plant crops and is ready to change to forest. After the patient explanation of the village cadres, the 90 year old Madam Zhao also understood the government's good intentions.

"Strengthening the prevention and control of agricultural land soil pollution and environmental protection is an important manifestation of the people centered approach." During the law enforcement inspection, * emphasized that it is necessary to understand the causes of agricultural land soil pollution, control, repair and prevent according to the law, and * an should make full use of it and plant crops with confidence.

"The key to the effectiveness of the implementation of the law lies in the implementation of government responsibilities."* Only when the legal responsibilities are implemented can the teeth of the law "bite".

In Rizhao and Weihai, Shandong, the inspection team saw that the government strengthened risk control and ecological restoration of construction land in accordance with the law. The original exposed and damaged coastal zone has disappeared, replaced by leisure trails and urban bookstores; The ecological treatment of tailings is combined with humanistic tourism, and the ecological restoration is to "eliminate harm and promote profits, and turn waste into treasure".

"To do a good job in implementing the law is to implement the Party's decisions and arrangements, to safeguard the fundamental interests of the people, and the prevention and control work will also achieve twice the result with half the effort."* The Chairman's exhortation is directly and vividly supported by reality.

It is emphasized that in order to prevent and control soil pollution, we should adhere to the principle of proceeding from reality, focusing on prevention and giving priority to protection. For all available land, we should also carry out orderly and effective remediation and management according to time, place and needs, and avoid formalism and blind "one size fits all", resulting in ineffective investment.

During the law enforcement inspection, it is gratifying to see that the land has changed its appearance. However, soil pollution prevention and control has a lot of historical debts and is difficult to control. Some prominent problems in the implementation of the law cannot be ignored.

The inspection team found that some places did not pay enough attention to the prevention and control of soil pollution and did not want to do it; Some enterprises have "rectified the old problems, and new problems have emerged in more hidden places"... In this regard, the law enforcement inspection report carefully sorted out 19 problems in 6 categories, and actively promoted the implementation of the law to "detect omissions and fill gaps".

In the inspection of law enforcement, the inspection team pays special attention to the close combination of inspection and rule of law publicity, and gives play to the joint force of supervision.

"The eyes of the masses are bright. To mobilize the masses is to add countless pairs of eyes to the law enforcers, and polluters and illegal acts will have no hiding place."

In order to enhance everyone's awareness of the rule of law, in the context of the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, the inspection team also made full use of the network platform to carry out online research when organizing offline questionnaire surveys, and organized tens of millions of people to participate in legal knowledge answers and questionnaire surveys on the "learning to become a powerful country" platform.

In view of the complexity and professionalism of soil pollution prevention and control, the inspection team, while continuing the good practices in the law enforcement inspection of the Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law and introducing the third-party assessment, held a special symposium in Shandong to listen to the opinions and suggestions of the experts on the shortcomings in the implementation of the law and the difficulties in soil pollution prevention and control.

On October 17, 2020, the 22nd meeting of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress held a joint meeting to review the inspection report on the enforcement of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Soil Pollution and make special inquiries.

"What measures will * take to implement the target responsibility system and assessment and evaluation system for soil pollution prevention and control, and to strengthen the responsibilities of all parties, * so that the people can 'eat at ease and live at ease'?" Zhao Xiangeng asked.

"We will further strengthen our work, urge all regions and departments to earnestly perform their duties, regulatory duties and work responsibilities, and promote all relevant entities to strictly perform their legal obligations, so as to implement the" bull nose "of responsibility and promote the implementation of various systems stipulated by law." State Councilor Wang Yong made clear measures from the aspects of compacting the responsibility of prevention and control targets layer by layer, strengthening the application of assessment results, strengthening supervision and law enforcement, enhancing the sense of responsibility of the whole society to govern the land according to law, and strengthening the support and guarantee ability of responsibility implementation.

The inquiry was straightforward, to the point, and the answers were candid, objective, and realistic. The two sides had a good interaction, and jointly made suggestions for the "hard bone" in the Pure Land defense war between "you ask and I answer".

"Pollution prevention and control is both a tough battle and a lasting battle. We should deeply study and implement the idea of ecological civilization, start from the functional orientation of the NPC, promote pollution prevention and ecological environmental protection according to law, and continue to work hard for a long time."* The Chairman said.

In the battle against pollution, a new bugle has been sounded.

04. Cure solid waste on the track of the rule of law, and realize "turning corruption into magic"

"The Party attaches great importance to the prevention and control of solid waste pollution, and the General Secretary has given important instructions and instructions on this for dozens of times." "It is rare for the Party to give such intensive and detailed instructions and arrangements to a specific work.".

In 2021, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress will launch a supervision work to carry out law enforcement inspection of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Wastes. This is the fourth consecutive year that the Standing Committee of the current National People's Congress has carried out law enforcement inspections in the field of ecological and environmental protection, and promoted the in-depth fight against pollution.

At a plenary meeting of the law enforcement inspection team, Chairman * stressed that we should adhere to the study and promotion of the idea of ecological civilization and the rule of law throughout the whole process of law enforcement inspection, and promote the important ideas of the General Secretary and the Party's decision-making and deployment to reach the hearts of the people and achieve results.

The Law on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Wastes was revised in 2020 to incorporate the idea of ecological civilization and the requirements of the Party's decision-making and deployment into the law, further improve the regulatory system and strictly enforce accountability. After the implementation of the "upgraded" solid waste law, the law enforcement inspection was carried out only for more than half a year, which is not only to understand the implementation of the law, but also to promote the implementation of the law.

"How to deal with sulfur in flue gas? Has the license been obtained according to the law?"

"The sulfur in the flue gas is recycled into sulfuric acid; we have obtained a license in strict accordance with the provisions of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Wastes to treat and recycle solid wastes harmlessly."

On April 11, 2021, in the slag treatment workshop of Shaanxi Hanzhong Zinc Industry Co., Ltd., the tall side blowing smelting furnace was in operation. In the face of the inquiry of the law enforcement inspection team, the staff introduced that the effective elements in the waste residue were extracted and recycled, which not only realized the "dry extraction" of resources, but also effectively solved the problem of residue stockpiling and prevented the risk of solid waste polluting the environment.

The General Secretary pointed out that turning waste into treasure and recycling is a sunrise industry. Garbage is a resource misplaced to make garbage resources, which is to turn corruption into magic. It is both science and art.

During the inspection of law enforcement, Chairman * also stressed on many occasions that the Law on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Wastes clearly stipulates that the prevention and control of solid waste pollution should adhere to the principles of reduction, recycling and harmlessness. Among the "three modernizations", resource utilization is a key link and a radical solution.

According to data, for every 10000 tons of waste materials recycled, 41200 tons of natural resources can be saved, 14000 tons of standard coal can be saved, and 37000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions can be reduced. Effective recycling of solid waste resources is equivalent to opening a "second mine", but also a rich mine.

The inspection team saw that Shaanxi has made many positive explorations in this regard. For example, the North Section of Xi'an Outer Ring Road Project has applied a large amount of construction waste to construction projects, solving the problem of recycling some construction waste. The waste reflective film recycling project in Luochuan County, Yan'an City produces 2000 tons of recycled plastic particles annually, which not only solves the problem of white pollution in agriculture, but also eliminates the potential safety hazard of rural power grid.

"These waste construction wastes are treasures here, and we give them a second life." Inner Mongolia Luya Materials Recycling Co., Ltd. made recycled concrete pavement bricks from construction waste, which was also affirmed by the law enforcement inspection team.

"I hope you can summarize and promote these practices, and explore the formation of more resource saving, environment-friendly, green and low-carbon production and lifestyle."

In Shanghai, the inspection team was deeply impressed by many innovations in domestic waste classification, especially the application of digitalization.

On September 13, 2021, the inspection team came to a branch of Shanghai Environmental Logistics Co., Ltd. (Xupu Base) and saw that the garbage collection and transfer vehicles were in and out of order, the intelligent sorting operation was in order, and the Shanghai domestic waste whole process classification information platform on the whole wall of the central control room displayed the data such as the amount of garbage clearing and disposal in real time. This is a part of the inland river containerization and transportation system of domestic waste in Shanghai urban area. Domestic waste is collected and compressed through the use of information management and control mode, and then transferred to the old port solid waste comprehensive utilization base for disposal by new energy ships.

Many communities in Shanghai have also installed smart dustbins, with "probes" connected to the central control room of the community. When the dustbin is almost full, the terminal will alarm immediately; The person who litters will send the processing information within 10 seconds.

At the symposium, Zhu Guoping, a deputy to the National People's Congress, said that the implementation of the Solid Waste Law has enabled the garbage classification work to have laws to abide by, and has achieved an unexpected good effect. Garbage sorting has also become a conscious action and daily habit of citizens. "Now every household does a very good job of garbage sorting, and they feel uncomfortable regardless of garbage".

The COVID-19 has also put forward higher requirements for medical waste disposal.

The regulations on the prevention and control of medical waste and hazardous waste are new institutional measures in the Solid Waste Law. In July 2021, the inspection team came to Hubei Wuhan Green Power Renewable Energy Co., Ltd. to check the situation of waste incineration power generation.

"We make use of the functional characteristics of the grate furnace to stabilize the high temperature during operation, so as to effectively control the infection risk of medical waste in the epidemic situation." During the epidemic, the company participated in the collaborative disposal of medical waste, and through the development of strict disposal plans and technical measures, the medical waste was harmlessly treated. The whole of Hubei also withstood the pressure of the surge of medical waste during the epidemic, realized "zero inventory" of medical waste disposal, "no accident" of an, and "zero infection" of personnel, and fought a beautiful battle at the critical moment of epidemic prevention and control.

*It is pointed out that the prevention and control of solid waste pollution is an important part of the construction of ecological civilization. The in-depth implementation of the solid waste law plays a very important role in pollution prevention, emission reduction and carbon reduction.

Although the solid waste pollution prevention and control work has made great progress since the implementation of the Solid Waste Law, the increase and stock of solid waste remain high, and there is still a long way to go to do a good job in solid waste pollution prevention and control.

In the field inspection and random inspection, the inspection team found many cases of inadequate implementation of laws.

In some places, the garbage classification habit has not been formed yet, and there are no classified garbage cans in residential areas, or they are in vain; In some places, construction waste has not been properly treated, and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment has found problems in secret visits that require rectification, but the site is still full of waste slag; Some places are not familiar with the laws and regulations, have a weak awareness of solid waste pollution prevention, and the management of temporary storage of expired waste reagents in university laboratories is not standardized; Some local supporting regulations, standards and catalogues are lagging behind the actual needs... The law enforcement inspection team pointed out one by one that the relevant departments and units should draw inferences from one instance to implement the legal provisions.

"The prevention and control of solid waste pollution is a continuous and long-term work, which needs to be done with perseverance."* It is emphasized that we should deeply study the idea of ecological civilization, do a good job in the prevention and control of solid waste pollution in accordance with the principles of reduction, recycling and harmlessness established by law, continue to promote the in-depth fight against pollution on the track of the rule of law, and contribute to the task of achieving carbon peak and carbon neutralization as scheduled.

05. Adhere to the rule of law to protect the green water and green mountains

In the fifth year of the performance of its duties, the Standing Committee of the current National People's Congress practiced the idea of ecological civilization and carried out law enforcement inspections against another important law in the field of ecological and environmental protection, the Environmental Protection Law.

In the fifth year, the goal remains unchanged, the bull's-eye remains unchanged and the strength remains unchanged.

The Environmental Protection Law is a basic and comprehensive law that plays a leading role in the field of ecological and environmental protection. It constructs the "four beams and eight pillars" of the ecological and environmental protection legal system. After being revised in 2014, it was called the "Historically Strict" Environmental Protection Law.

"The implementation of all the provisions of this law will promote the implementation of the Party's decision-making and deployment on ecological and environmental protection, and the good environment will be effectively protected." On March 23, 2022, Chairman * again issued a mobilization order to supervise and promote the effective implementation of laws at a plenary meeting of the Environmental Protection Law Enforcement Inspection Group.

The blue sky and white clouds, reeds and grass, the lake and cranes are flying, and the scenery of Zhalong Nature Reserve in Heilongjiang is beautiful and picturesque.

On June 10, 2022, * and members of the inspection team walked into the painting to check the wetland protection. The reed wetland here is also the "hometown of red crowned cranes". The relevant person in charge of the Reserve introduced to the inspection team that, according to the environmental protection law and supporting regulations, the core area and buffer area of the Reserve were strictly protected, and more than 500 households in the core area were moved out.

During the law enforcement inspection, * told us that wetlands are important ecosystems and are known as the "kidney of the earth". Heilongjiang has a large number of wetlands, a large area, and a great responsibility to protect the ecological environment. We must protect wetlands well.

Black land is a precious treasure endowed by nature. The protection of black land is related to the safety of grain, ecology and the sustainable development of the Chinese nation.

The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress implemented the important directive spirit of the General Secretary, accelerated the pace of black land protection legislation, and listed it as an important part of this inspection of environmental protection law enforcement. In Heilongjiang, a big black land province, * and the inspection team members visited the Black Land Protection and Utilization Research Institute, Jiansanjiang of Beidahuang Agricultural Reclamation Group and other places, held a symposium to listen to opinions and suggestions, and deeply understood the black land protection and utilization.

It was pointed out that the government, agricultural producers and operators, and all sectors of society should be fully responsible for the protection of black land. The total amount of black land should not be reduced, its functions should not be degraded, its quality should be improved, and its production capacity should be sustainable. Black land, the "giant panda in cultivated land", should be effectively protected.

"The idea of ecological civilization is the scientific guidance and fundamental adherence to the construction of beauty." On June 13, 2022, * further emphasized at the symposium that to promote the construction of the ecological environmental protection legal system and strengthen the implementation and supervision of laws, it is necessary to take the ecological civilization thought as the guidance, and promote and guarantee the implementation of this scientific theory in the way of rule of law thinking and rule of law.

Since the launch of the environmental protection law enforcement inspection, the inspection team has gone deep into the grass-roots level with a clear vision and a compact and firm step.

In March, spring returns to the earth, and everything recovers.

In Ningxia, the inspection team closely followed the provisions of the law, inspected the classification of domestic waste, the ecological environment treatment of the Yellow River, sewage treatment, and enterprise exhaust emissions, and carried out random inspections.

In Sichuan, the inspection team thoroughly understood the construction of parks and cities, the "three phosphorus" remediation, the prevention and repair of cultivated land soil pollution, and the protection of drinking water sources, and urged to further find out the weaknesses and deficiencies of ecological environment protection, so as to effectively build the legal basis for ecological environment protection.

In May, mountains and rivers are green and vigorous.

In Fujian, the inspection team carefully checked the comprehensive treatment of inland river ecological restoration, collaborative disposal of domestic waste incineration, rural ecological environment protection, marine ecological restoration, and industrial waste gas treatment of enterprises, and pointed out that legal weapons should be used to solve difficult problems, and the key battle of pollution prevention should be deepened on the rule of law track.

In June, the vegetation is verdant and the flowers are beautiful.

In Shanxi, the inspection team carried out inspections on the prevention and control of air pollution, solid waste pollution, and water ecological environment in key regions and industries, and emphasized the need to strictly enforce the law and maintain the authority of the law, promote the effective implementation of the Environmental Protection Law, and promote the high-quality development of ecological environmental protection undertakings.

In Tibet, the inspection team inspected the greening project of the North and South Mountains in Lhasa, the ecological protection of urban wetlands, the comprehensive improvement of the community living environment, the ecological restoration of windbreak and sand fixation, the rural ecological environment protection and industrial development, and demanded that the ecological environment protection be continuously strengthened and the green transformation of economic and social development be constantly promoted.

In Jiangsu, the inspection team went to industrial enterprises, pollution treatment enterprises, drinking water sources, ecological protection and restoration projects and comprehensive environmental treatment projects to inspect the implementation of laws, encourage the construction of a more detailed ecological environment governance system, and promote the construction of ecological civilization to a new stage.

In Heilongjiang, the inspection team deeply understood the harmless treatment of industrial wastewater and waste residue, the research and development of environmental protection science and technology, inspected the prevention and control of agricultural non-point source pollution, water resources and wetland protection, and believed that Heilongjiang was a microcosm of the achievements of the construction of a beautiful society in the new era.

From spring to summer, the inspection of environmental protection law enforcement was carried out in an orderly manner, which not only saw the great changes brought about by the implementation of the ecological civilization idea and the promotion of the environmental protection law to take root, but also found and pointed out the omissions and problems in the organization of the ecological environmental protection law network. "This inspection of environmental protection law enforcement is also a review and evaluation of the effectiveness of the construction of the rule of law in ecological environmental protection since this session."* say

Over the past five years, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress has continued to thoroughly implement the idea of ecological civilization and the Party's decision-making and deployment, focused on promoting pollution prevention and ecological civilization construction, constantly strengthened supervision over the implementation of laws, and created one classic model of NPC supervision in a new era. Check the implementation of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution in 2018, the Law on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution in 2019, the Law on the Prevention and Control of Soil Pollution in 2020, the Law on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Wastes in 2021, and the Law on Environmental Protection this year. The Standing Committee also organized and carried out law enforcement inspections on the Yangtze River Protection Law, the Marine Environment Protection Law, the Renewable Energy Law, the Wildlife Protection Law, and the decisions related to the prohibition of wild animals, listened to and deliberated on many special reports and carried out many special investigations on ecological and environmental protection work. These efforts have provided legal assistance to promote the sustainable improvement of the ecological environment.

For five consecutive years, it has carried out law enforcement inspection on laws in specific areas, which is in the history of NPC supervision; In the past five years, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress has helped protect the ecological environment by rule of law and resolutely declared war against pollution. It has never been more determined, powerful and effective.

A few days ago, the General Secretary said in a congratulatory letter to the main event of the June 5, 2022 Environment Day * that "we hope the whole society will take action to be an active communicator and model practitioner of the concept of ecological civilization. We will do our best to leave a beautiful home with blue sky, green earth and clear water for future generations."

At present, China's ecological civilization construction has entered a critical period in which carbon reduction is the key strategic direction, pollution reduction and carbon reduction are promoted for synergy, economic and social development is promoted for green transformation, and ecological environment quality is changed from quantitative to qualitative. The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress will thoroughly study and implement the idea of ecological civilization, fully, accurately and implement the new development concept, maintain the strategic focus of ecological civilization construction, promote the green transformation of economic and social development by the rule of law, and promote the modernization of harmonious coexistence between man and nature, so as to make greater contributions to enable future generations to "look at the starry sky, see green mountains and smell the fragrance of flowers".

(Source: National People's Congress Magazine, Issue 12, 2022 | Reporter: Wang Xiaolin)

(Editor: Gong Yixi; Editor in chief: Zhang Yuchai)

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