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International Organization of Global Desert Ecological Science and Technology (Alliance) held a work promotion meeting

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On January 9, the Global Desert Ecological Science and Technology International Organization (Alliance) (hereinafter referred to as the "Alliance") held the Work Promotion Conference and the Desert Ecological Governance and New Energy Science and Technology Forum in Beijing. About 100 representatives from the scientific and technological circles, business circles and financial circles from relevant United Nations organizations and nearly 20 countries and regions, including China, Norway, the United States, Uzbekistan, Mongolia and Iran, participated in the meeting through the combination of cloud and offline to exchange and discuss the development mandate and work arrangement of the Alliance, and made suggestions and suggestions.

The Twentieth National Congress put forward major development concepts such as adhering to the integrated protection and systematic governance of mountains, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand, deepening the energy revolution, and expanding international scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation, which provided new ideas and described a new blueprint for the international community to achieve sustainable development.

In the past decade, China has taken the lead in realizing the United Nations zero growth goal of land degradation and accelerating the implementation process of the national "double carbon" goal by implementing a series of major desertification control projects, accelerating the planning and construction of a large new energy base in the desert area. In a series of major diplomatic actions carried out after the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China proposed to discuss with Mongolia the establishment of a Sino-Mongolian cooperation center for desertification prevention and control. During the first Sino-Arab Summit, China proposed to establish an international research center for drought, desertification and land degradation with Afghanistan, and reached important cooperation consensus with Afghanistan in the field of new energy. China's determination and action to promote cooperation in desertification prevention and control has further injected strong impetus into the international community to jointly address the challenges of desertification.

Since last year, the organizing committee of the Global Desert Ecological Science and Technology Alliance has invited scientific research institutions, enterprise sessions, financial representatives, academic groups, high-end professionals and relevant international organizations from 20 countries and regions to join. At present, about 50 units have been confirmed as founding members. The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification is the representative of international organizations, the State Power Investment Group is the representative of China's energy enterprises, Elion Resources Group is the representative of * desertification control enterprises, and the three are the main sponsors to jointly promote the work of the Alliance.

Dr. Baron Orr, Chief Scientist of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (hereinafter referred to as "the Convention"), delivered a speech on behalf of Ibrahim Theo, Executive Secretary of the Convention, and the scientists team of the Convention. Orr said that the convention supports Elion Resources Group, China National Power Investment Group and potential partners in the field of desert ecological science and technology to establish a new alliance and play an important role as a platform. Orr believes that it is necessary to improve the efficiency of the transformation and application of scientific research achievements as a whole and improve the ecological and economic benefits of environmental governance by means of marketization. At the same time, desert and arid areas have abundant solar energy resources, which are sufficient to meet local and even global energy demand, and are expected to open a sizeable market and attract a steady stream of investment.

Qian Zhimin, secretary of the Party Group and chairman of the State Power Investment Corporation, analyzed the great practical significance of the establishment of the alliance in combination with the innovative practice of Chinese enterprises in photovoltaic desertification control. He said that improving the * climate, ensuring global food and energy security are three major issues of concern to the world. Through the development of renewable energy such as wind and light in desertified areas, the comprehensive benefits of "planting under the board and generating electricity on the board" can be generated. At the same time, green electricity can be converted into hydrogen energy and green oil and gas to realize the substitution of oil and gas resources. The solutions to the three major problems can be organically combined. Therefore, we call for more enterprises to join the alliance, actively participate in the grand cause of desert governance, and jointly make positive contributions to solving desertification control, ensuring energy security and food security, and realizing human peace and development.

Wang Wenbiao, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Elion Resources Group, delivered a speech on behalf of the Alliance Organizing Committee, saying that "everyone will raise firewood and fire high". With joint efforts, we will surely promote the realization of the vision and objectives of the Alliance. Through concerted actions, the member units will jointly commit to seven major tasks, including supporting international actions to combat desertification, drought and land degradation globally, promoting the development of new energy industry in the desert, cooperating to strengthen desert ecological science and technology, talent training and exchange, implementing international cooperation in desertification prevention and control, and implementing the major development concept proposed by the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China We will support the Kubuqi International Desert Forum and the work of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification.

During the preparation of the Alliance, it received positive responses from various government departments, well-known academic groups and industry-leading enterprises. Its founding members include the China Forestry Society, the China Three Gorges New Energy Group, BP, the International Desert Research Association, the China Renewable Energy Society, the Saudi Arabian Center for Vegetation Development and Desertification Control, the University of Tehran, Iran Forty domestic * large scientific research institutions, relevant scientific and technological enterprises and high-end talents in scientific and technological innovation, including the Aral Sea International Innovation Center directly under the President of Uzbekistan. The organizing committee also invited Wu Qiang, an academician of the CAE Member, and the China University of Mining and Technology to join the alliance, which will give play to the unique advantages of the alliance in the field of global mine governance and resource utilization.

Wu Qiang, an academician of the CAE Member, believes that desert control needs more efficient use of funds and resources to mobilize the enthusiasm of central enterprises and private enterprises for capital investment, and suggests that more market-oriented operation and development oriented governance models should be promoted in the process of restoration and governance.

Eric Salheim, vice chairman of the China International Cooperation Commission on Environment and Development, shared on the forum on the innovative sand area governance model. He said that China's Kubuqi sand control model is also a spirit of turning desert problems into opportunities. There are three points that can be applied in other parts of the world: first, develop new energy industry, build photovoltaic power stations on a large scale, and produce green hydrogen at the same time; The second is to develop desert ecotourism and create employment; Third, desert greening and planting of economic crops such as medicinal materials. Solheim also said that he looked forward to participating in the ninth Kubuqi International Desert Forum to be held this year.

Focusing on the challenges and opportunities brought to mankind by environmental issues such as desertification and climate change, the promotion of China's experience in desertification control, and the strengthening of talent training and exchange, representatives of the Alliance members conducted full discussions and exchanges at the Desert Ecological Governance and New Energy Science and Technology Forum.

Korenbeck Ahmadi, director of the Institute of Geography and Geoecology of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences, said that Mongolia has made a lot of efforts in combating desertification through science and technology. We know that Elion Resources Group has made great achievements in the control of the Kubuqi Desert in China. We hope to learn more experience from China, strengthen technical exchanges, and let Mongolian scientists benefit from it.

Scott Hogg, former deputy director of the American Desert Research Institute, said that environmental security, economic security and resource management are closely related, and technological innovation must take into account the complexity of the system. We hope to provide some useful references for the work of the Alliance. I am very looking forward to joining you and working together.

Nong Gang, assistant to the general manager of the State Power Investment Corporation, said that the State Power Investment Corporation will actively explore new models of new energy ecological governance, help the integrated development of desert ecological governance and new energy technology innovation, and sincerely invite colleagues at home and abroad to work together for the great cause of comprehensive desert ecological governance.

Georg Finshhod, chief technical officer of Norwegian Scandinavian Water Technology Company, said that water conservation is an important part of addressing the challenge of climate change. We have technologies to improve the efficiency of water resources recycling. We hope to play a role through the platform of the alliance and strengthen exchanges between China and Norway.

Xin Gang, chief technical officer of Norway Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.: We hope to seek partners with China and other countries through the platform of the alliance. We can apply biochar related technologies to lithium-ion batteries and sodium-ion batteries, and extend our service to energy storage.

Salman Zeer, professor of the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources of Tehran University, Iran: During my visit to the Kubuqi Desert, I had a close exchange with the relevant technical directors and researchers of the academic institutions of Elion Group, discussed the areas in which further cooperation could be carried out in the future, and hoped to have more cooperation with Chinese counterparts in combating desertification.

Wang Tao, President of the International Desert Research Association: China attaches great importance to desertification prevention and control, actively implements the contract, and has implemented a series of major projects. We hope to carry out work on basic research, new technology models, research and development and demonstration projects through the platform of the Alliance, and actively promote international academic cooperation and exchange and talent cultivation.

Liang Yuan, Secretary-General of the China Renewable Energy Society, said that different resources and endowments, we should form a case that can be popularized in renewable energy desertification control, further form standardization, promote our good experience and good products to further connect with international standards, and expand the application of our technical products in the world.

Shen Jinlan, Deputy Secretary-General of the China Forestry Association, said that the China Forestry Association will, under the leadership of the National Forestry and Grass Administration and the China Association for Science and Technology, give full play to the scientific and technological advantages and talent advantages of the Association in accordance with the deployment and arrangement of the China Association for Science and Technology, and support the scientific and technological innovation and experience model promotion in environmental governance and new energy development in desertification areas. We will also do our best to support the work of the Alliance.

Alimu Rulatov, Executive Secretary of the Central Asian and South Caucasus Agricultural Development University in Uzbekistan: The member enterprises and scientists of the alliance have shared a lot of knowledge and technology, which is very enlightening to us. The efforts made by Chinese enterprises represented by Elion Resources Group are admirable. We hope to gather the experience of all parties in this field and move forward together.

Feng Zhibin, Executive Director of Elion Resources Group, presided over the meeting and made a special report on the progress of the Alliance. The meeting also studied other issues related to the work of the Alliance.

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