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Bring carbon to peak and carbon neutralization into the overall layout of ecological civilization construction

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The General Secretary stressed that achieving carbon peak and carbon neutralization is a broad and profound economic and social systematic change, and it is necessary to incorporate carbon peak and carbon neutralization into the overall layout of ecological civilization construction. Recently, the Party * and * issued the * * Opinions on Completely and Accurately Implementing the New Development Concept and Doing a Good Job of Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutralization (hereinafter referred to as the Opinions), and the "1+N" policy systems such as the "Carbon Peak Action Plan by 2030" have been released successively. We should deeply study and understand the spirit of the important speech of the General Secretary, resolutely implement the decisions and arrangements of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Communist Party of China (CPC), and earnestly do a good job in carbon peaking and carbon neutralization, so as to provide strong support and guarantee for the modernization of the harmonious coexistence of man and nature.

Deeply understand the significance of doing a good job in carbon peaking and carbon neutralization

To achieve carbon peak and carbon neutral, the major strategic decision made by the Party * to coordinate the domestic situation * is an inevitable choice to focus on solving the outstanding problems of resource and environmental constraints, to achieve the sustainable development of the Chinese nation, and a solemn commitment to build a community with a shared future for mankind. The integration of carbon peaking and carbon neutralization into the overall layout of ecological civilization construction further enriches the connotation requirements of ecological civilization construction and highlights the strategic positioning and significance of carbon peaking and carbon neutralization.

It is conducive to promoting green transformation of economic and social development and promoting high-quality development. Doing a good job in carbon peaking and carbon neutralization is conducive to changing the traditional production mode and consumption mode of "mass production, mass consumption and mass emission", promoting green and low-carbon transformation of industrial structure, energy structure, transportation structure and land use structure, establishing and improving the economic system of green and low-carbon circular development, helping to build a new development pattern, and achieving higher quality, more efficiency, more equity, more sustainable More comprehensive development.

It is conducive to reducing the emissions of major pollutants and greenhouse gases, and realizing the synergy of pollution reduction and carbon reduction. The emissions of carbon dioxide and conventional pollutants have the same origin, most of which come from the combustion and utilization of fossil energy. The nature of China's ecological environment problem is the problem of high carbon energy structure and high energy consumption, high carbon industrial structure. Doing a good job in carbon peaking and carbon neutralization is conducive to promoting total emission reduction, source emission reduction, and structural emission reduction, and achieving synergy between pollution reduction and carbon reduction, improving environmental quality, and coping with climate change. On the whole, the peak of carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 can lay a solid foundation for the "fundamental improvement of the ecological environment" in 2035.

It is conducive to mitigating the adverse effects of climate change and improving ecosystem services. Climate change has a significant impact on the natural ecosystem, and the rise of temperature, sea level and severe weather events have brought severe challenges to human survival and development. Doing a good job in carbon peaking and carbon neutralization can not only reduce the loss of people's lives and properties, economy and society caused by the increase of bad weather and frequent meteorological and natural disasters due to climate change, but also reduce the risk of ecosystem degradation and species extinction, improve the quality and stability of the ecosystem, and provide strong support for building a community of human and natural life.

It is conducive to promoting the climate governance process and highlighting the responsibility of a responsible major country. Climate change is a major challenge related to the future and destiny of mankind, which needs the concerted efforts of the Communist Party and society to cope with. As a developing country, China has incorporated carbon peaking and carbon neutralization into the overall layout of ecological civilization construction, striving to reach the peak of carbon dioxide emissions by 2030, and striving to achieve carbon neutralization by 2060, which reflects the firm determination and practical action of working with * countries to address climate change, contributes * wisdom, * plans and * strength to promote * climate governance, and demonstrates the responsibility and responsibility of building a community with a shared future for mankind.

China has made remarkable achievements in tackling climate change

China attaches great importance to tackling climate change and implements the strategy of actively tackling climate change. In particular, since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the Communist Party of China (CPC) has placed addressing climate change in a more prominent position of governance. It has insisted on attaching equal importance to mitigating and adapting to climate change, constantly increasing the reduction of carbon emission intensity, constantly strengthening the goal of independent contribution, and jointly promoting win-win climate, economic and environmental benefits, so as to address historic changes in climate change.

The intensity of carbon emissions decreased significantly. The reduction rate of carbon emission intensity was included in the outline of the "Fourteenth Five Year Plan" as a binding indicator, and policy measures such as adjusting the industrial structure, optimizing the energy structure, saving energy and improving energy efficiency, increasing forest carbon sinks, and establishing a market mechanism were taken to achieve remarkable results. In 2020, China's carbon emission intensity decreased by 48.4% compared with that in 2005, exceeding the target of 40% - 45% reduction by 2020, which was promised to the * society, and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 5.8 billion tons, basically reversing the rapid growth of carbon dioxide emissions.

Green and low-carbon development accelerated. The transformation and upgrading of petrochemical, chemical, steel and other key industries accelerated. In 2020, China's carbon dioxide emissions per unit of industrial added value decreased by about 22% compared with 2015; The proportion of coal consumption in total energy consumption decreased from 72.4% in 2005 to 56.8%, and the proportion of non fossil energy in total energy consumption increased from 7.4% in 2005 to 15.9%. During the "13th Five Year Plan" period, the volume of container hot metal intermodal transport increased by more than 23% annually, and the production and sales scale of new energy vehicles ranked the first place for six consecutive years. In 2020, new green buildings in cities and towns will account for 77% of new civil buildings.

The coordinated treatment of pollution reduction and carbon reduction has been continuously strengthened. During the 13th Five Year Plan period, the proportion of excellent days in cities at prefecture level and above was 87%; The average concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in cities below the prefecture level and above has decreased by 28.8% compared with that in 2015; The national surface water quality section * reaches 83.4%; The proportion of water bodies inferior to Class V decreased to 0.6%. The forest area and forest stock have maintained "double growth" for 30 consecutive years, and the area of desertification and desertification land has achieved "double reduction" for three consecutive monitoring periods. In 2020, the national forest coverage rate will reach 23.04%, the comprehensive vegetation coverage of grassland will reach 56.1%, and the wetland protection rate will reach more than 50%.

*The contribution of climate governance is increasingly prominent. Adhere to the principle of fairness, common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, and promote the conclusion, entry into force and implementation of the Paris Agreement. Announced to vigorously support the development of green and low-carbon development of * energy sources, and no longer build overseas coal power projects. It formally submitted the "* Implementation * of the achievements of independent contributions, new goals and new initiatives" and the "* Long term low greenhouse gas emission development strategy in the middle of this century" to promote the positive results of the twenty sixth Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Deeply carry out the green "the Belt and Road" construction, and actively carry out South South cooperation with the vast number of development countries to deal with climate change. The first phase of the fifteenth Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15) was successfully held, and the host country initiatives such as building a carbon peak, carbon neutral "1+N" policy system were announced.

While seeing the achievements, we should also be soberly aware that at present, China is less than 10 years away from achieving the carbon peak goal, and it is about 30 years from reaching the carbon peak to achieving the carbon neutral goal. Compared with developed *, we have more time, scope and difficulties to achieve the goal of carbon peaking and carbon neutralization. We must bring carbon peaking and carbon neutralization into the overall economic and social development, take the momentum of grasping the iron and effectively do a good job of carbon peaking and carbon neutralization.

Promote the goal of carbon peaking and carbon neutralization to be achieved as scheduled

During the "Fourteenth Five Year Plan" period, China's ecological civilization construction has entered a critical period in which carbon reduction is the key strategic direction, pollution reduction and carbon reduction are promoted for synergy, economic and social development is promoted for green transformation, and ecological environment quality is improved from quantitative to qualitative. We should thoroughly implement the idea of ecological civilization, adhere to the concept of system, handle the relationship between development and emission reduction, overall and partial, short-term and long-term, integrate the requirements of carbon peaking and carbon neutralization into the ecological civilization system, take the green transformation of economic and social development as the *, take the green and low-carbon development of energy as the key, and comprehensively implement the Opinions and the "1+N" policy system of carbon peaking and carbon neutralization, We will accelerate the formation of a spatial pattern, industrial structure, mode of production, and lifestyle that conserve resources and protect the environment, and unswervingly follow the path of high-quality development that gives priority to ecology and is green and low-carbon.

Promote the formation of a green and low-carbon development mode. We will eliminate outdated production capacity and eliminate overcapacity in accordance with laws and regulations, vigorously develop strategic emerging industries, accelerate green and low-carbon transformation of traditional industries, and resolutely curb the blind development of high energy consumption and high emission projects. We will promote coal consumption substitution, transformation and upgrading, vigorously develop renewable energy, and steadily improve the level of clean heating in northern China. We will promote the transportation of bulk goods and medium and long distance goods from "rail transit" to "water transit". Strengthen the application of the achievements of "three lines and one order" (ecological protection red line, environmental quality bottom line, resource utilization online and ecological environment access list), improve the source prevention system with the environmental assessment system as the main body, promote regional green development as a whole, and build a new pattern of land and space development and protection.

We will make a concerted effort to reduce pollution and carbon emissions. Put carbon reduction in a more prominent and priority position, pay more attention to comprehensive governance, systematic governance, and source governance, prepare and issue the implementation plan of pollution reduction and carbon reduction and synergy, and plan, deploy, promote, and assess the integration of pollution reduction and carbon reduction and synergy. With the overall focus on reducing pollution, reducing carbon and increasing efficiency, the core is to improve the quality of the ecological environment, and the working policy is to "treat pollution in a scientific way, and treat pollution in accordance with the law", we will deepen the key battle of pollution prevention, strengthen the coordinated control of multiple pollutants and regional coordinated governance, and promote new breakthroughs in pollution prevention in key regions, key areas, and key indicators.

We will continue to strengthen supervision over ecological protection* The regulatory system for nature reserves and ecological protection red line was implemented to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of ecosystem protection, and the punishment for the behaviors of occupying ecological space and damaging important ecosystems was increased. Adhere to the integrated protection and systematic management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand, implement major projects for the protection and restoration of important ecosystems, strengthen the protection and restoration of grasslands, rivers, lakes and wetlands, constantly improve the carbon sink capacity of ecosystems, and enhance the ability to adapt to climate change. Improve the ecological protection compensation mechanism, and establish and improve the value realization mechanism of ecological products that can reflect the value of carbon sequestration.

Continuously provide policy and system support. We will establish a total carbon dioxide emission control system as a whole, and promote the establishment of a long-term mechanism for greenhouse gas data statistics and accounting, data management, and compliance* Policies such as finance and taxation, price, finance, land, and government procurement that are conducive to green and low-carbon development. Steadily promote the construction of the national carbon emission trading market, * greenhouse gas voluntary emission reduction trading mechanism. We will carry out the demonstration of green and low-carbon social action, and accelerate the formation of a good pattern of public participation.

Deeply participate in the climate governance process. Actively participate in climate change negotiations, promote all parties to implement the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Paris Agreement, and jointly build a fair, reasonable and win-win climate governance system. Give full play to the advantages of * countries, hold the second phase of COP15, promote the achievement of the "post-2020 * biodiversity framework", effectively reverse the trend of * biodiversity loss, and jointly promote biodiversity conservation and climate change. Give play to the role of the "the Belt and Road" Green Development * Alliance and other cooperation platforms, vigorously promote South South cooperation on climate change, and jointly build a clean and beautiful *.

(Huang Runqiu, Minister of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment) (Editor: Qin Chao)

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