Clear water and blue sky,Respect nature and compete for the future

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Clear water and blue sky,Respect nature and compete for the future

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Led by international experts, it is not a dream that deserts become fertile fields

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On the morning of June 1, 2022, chairman Zhao of China real estate financial holding and director Cang of the office went to sound environment group to have in-depth exchanges and discussions on desertification control projects and sound environmental desertification control, Dr. Yan Guangcai, Professor Yuan Denghui of provincial desertification control foundation and Chairman Liu Xianqing of sound environment. The exchange meeting began at 10:00 a.m. and the two sides had pleasant exchanges and heated discussions. Near noon, the participants had a light meal at the exchange meeting site, and they still communicated with each other over the project issues. It lasted for more than four hours until 2:00 pm.

During this period, director Liu of the sound environment introduced the company's land circulation and current progress of the 600000 Mu desertification control project in Ordos to Director Zhao, and Dr. Yan Guangcai of the company also took out the plan of the project and introduced the preliminary planning and design of the project in detail to the personnel present. It is reported that the project is led by Dr. Yan Guangcai. It is planned to organize about 15000 people to carry out work at the project site. The initial investment is about 9 billion yuan. It integrates windbreak forest construction, wheat planting, cattle, sheep and chicken breeding and other contents. Finally, the desert will be turned into a good farmland that can be cultivated. The annual output value is about 10 billion yuan. After the successful construction of phase I of the project, Dr. Yan Guangcai plans to hold a joint conference on desertification control in the project site and invite desert control experts from various countries to come to exchange and inspect.

Zhao Dong of China real estate financial holding and others have a deep understanding of the project. They believe that desert governance is a good thing and event that concerns future generations and benefits the country and the people. The concept of "desert new economy" proposed by improving the environment is the demand of the times and the needs of social development. There is no problem with the desertification control technology possessed by improving the environment. It has good development prospects and can make great contributions to the society's desertification control and grain production!

Before the end of the exchange meeting, the two sides reached a preliminary cooperation intention on other relevant issues of the project, and made it clear that it would be implemented as soon as possible to promote the project process as soon as possible.

To build a green China, a rich and powerful China, and a beautiful China, you and I are here!

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