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Clear water and blue sky,Respect nature and compete for the future

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The Ministry of ecological environment requires that green and low-carbon development be promoted in an orderly manner this year

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Xinhua news agency, Beijing, January 8 (reporter Gao Jing) - the Ministry of ecology and environment recently stressed the need to promote green and low-carbon development in an orderly manner and strive to achieve coordinated progress of economic development and environmental protection when deploying key work in 2022.

At the 2022 national ecological environment protection work conference held on July 7, the relevant responsible person of the Ministry of ecological environment proposed that in 2022, China's ecological environment protection should focus on several key tasks, including orderly promoting green and low-carbon development, in-depth fighting against pollution, strengthening ecological protection supervision, promoting ecological environment protection supervision and law enforcement and risk prevention, * nuclear and radiation *, and accelerating the construction of a modern environmental governance system.

In promoting green and low-carbon development in an orderly manner, the Ministry of ecological environment proposed that multiple measures should be taken to help the stable operation of the economy and actively serve the "six stabilities" and "six guarantees". On the basis of strictly observing the bottom line of ecological and environmental protection, we will do a good job in environmental assessment and approval services for major projects. We will deepen the zoning control of the "three lines and one single" ecological environment. We will study and formulate normative documents for the management of environmental impact assessment of the "two highs" industry, strictly control the entry of the "two highs" projects, and take strict control of the blind launching of the "two highs" projects as the focus of supervision. Promote the coordinated governance of pollution reduction and carbon reduction, and do a good job in the management of the second performance cycle of the national carbon emission trading market.

In 2021, China's pollutant emissions will continue to decline, and the ecological environment quality will be significantly improved. This year, we need to fight in depth to protect the blue sky, clear water and pure land. In addition, the second round of routine inspections on ecological and environmental protection will be completed this year.

The relevant responsible person of the Ministry of ecological environment said that with the successive introduction of the "14th five year plan", when formulating relevant policies and arranging the decomposition of tasks and objectives, all localities must adhere to the principle of "stability first, seek progress while maintaining stability", coordinate development and protection, grasp the work rhythm and highlight the work focus. In the process of work promotion, we should adhere to the problem orientation, supervision according to law, guidance and assistance, and reform and innovation.

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