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Returning Shackleton: teamwork is the real leadership

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A voyage that will be forever recorded in history—— Returning Shackleton

Like sailing, the entrepreneurial journey is not always smooth. It is inevitable to encounter wind and waves. Hidden reefs are hidden under the rough waves. If you are not careful, you will be trapped in glaciers... Especially in the rapidly changing Internet era, risks and opportunities are showing an exponential trend. So how should the entrepreneurial team meet the challenge?

In 1914, Shackleton led the selected 27 crew members to embark on the Antarctic expedition on the "Fortitude". During this period, they suffered devastating blows such as falling into glaciers and sinking ships. With food, clothing and shelter seriously insufficient, Shackleton and his crew struggled to survive in the ice and snow. What is amazing is that Shackleton and the crew all escaped from danger, one by one, completing a great feat of desperate rebirth in human history.

In sharp contrast, on August 3, 1913, an expedition led by the Canadian Explorer filgarmore Stephenson explored the north pole on the "kalak" and was also trapped, but the results were quite different. After the "kalek" was in trouble, its explorers became a selfish and loose mob, and lying, cheating and stealing became common* In the end, the "kalek" ended in tragedy - 11 expedition members died in the deserted Arctic.

It is not luck that Shackleton's expedition team can all return. His success stems from the trust and cooperation between his team. In the Internet age, the turbulent and unpredictable environment has put forward higher requirements for enterprises, especially start-ups. According to the returning Shackleton, we have summarized the following guidelines for team building for you on the way to entrepreneurship for your reference.

One dream, one team

Shackleton stated at the beginning of the crew recruitment that it was an extremely dangerous journey and the pay was extremely low. All applicants are for ideals and beliefs.

The Internet era has spawned new industries, providing new development opportunities for entrepreneurs, but it also brings challenges: where should enterprises develop? How to develop? This requires the entrepreneurial teams to have the same goal and work hard together to make the business develop forward.

Trust makes success

Before the self rescue operation, Shackleton secretly wrote a note to his crew, asking them to open it 20 days later. In fact, Shackleton's self rescue operation lasted for four months. From the beginning to the end, the crew with the note did not open his note because "all the crew believed Shackleton would succeed and he would not leave us alone".

In the Internet age, entrepreneurs are faced with an environment full of uncertainty, and they are more likely to encounter twists and turns in the process of entrepreneurship. Only when the members of the entrepreneurial team trust each other, are full of confidence, and actively meet the challenges can they get out of the predicament.

Risk sharing and achievement sharing

Shackleton and his team have reached a consensus on risk sharing as early as the beginning of the exploration, which makes them not complain about each other when encountering dangerous situations, but bear the risks together.

In the Internet age, teams are more partnership. You can share the results of creating value when you create value; Similarly, if you damage the value, you should also bear the corresponding responsibility.

Cooperate to achieve win-win results

Shackleton can make correct decisions without the assistance of his old partner, vice captain Frank ward. Wald's low-key style neutralizes Shackleton's resolute temperament and makes up for Shackleton's blind spots and weaknesses at many critical moments.

Entrepreneurship in the Internet era must realize excellent resource allocation by establishing a platform. In an open entrepreneurial platform, everyone can give full play to their self-worth and realize the maximization of value through optimization and combination.

The story of Shackleton and his team's survival is not the journey of a hero, but the praise of a heroic team. In the Internet age, entrepreneurship is not only about technology and capital, but also about "people". For a cohesive entrepreneurial team, the Internet may blur its way forward, but it is certain that it will ride the wind and break the waves.

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