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The utilization project of rural barren land in mountainous areas of China

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The utilization project of rural barren land in mountainous areas of China

(How to cope with the sharp increase in rural barren land in mountainous areas of China)

You know what?

Farmers in mountainous areas have gone out to work, resulting in the phenomenon of large-scale desolation of arable land in mountainous areas that is left uncultivated by no one. According to an expert group survey, the area of barren land in mountainous areas of China currently accounts for about 25% of China's arable land, and it is still increasing day by day. This phenomenon not only greatly affects the revitalization and development of rural economy in mountainous areas of China, but also endangers national food security.

How to address the above issues? After years of research and practical operation, our experts have developed a complete set of methods. By using this method, these lands will be fully utilized, ultimately leading to better ecological development in mountainous areas and generating good effects on these barren properties, enabling farmers to receive better economic income.

Second edition

International Green Global Research and Development Organization

Expert Group

December 28, 2022


1、 The Increasing Area of Desolate Land in China's Mountainous Regions and Crisis 1

1. The crisis of wasteland caused by rural households going out to work in mountainous areas of China

2. Someone said, "This is not a crisis of desertification, it happens to be a return of farmland to forests two

3. The research on the theoretical system of plant stem and leaf nutrition and the system of wild resource utilization generated by this organization

Countermeasures two

2、 Effective methods for utilizing barren land in mountainous areas of China

1. Main plant varieties that should be planted on barren land

2. Can these plants effectively utilize abandoned land five

3、 The effects of wasteland utilization

1. Many varieties on the wasteland have a broad international market

2. Providing Effective Opportunities for Chinese Farmers to Fight Poverty

3. Promoting the development of agricultural industrialization

4. Driving the Development of Forestry Economy

5. Setting a Model for the Adjustment of Agricultural and Forestry Industry Structure

1、 Crisis of increasing barren land area in mountainous areas of China

1. The crisis of wasteland caused by rural households going out to work in mountainous areas of China.

(1) The land desolation caused by the labor wave

The young people among mountain farmers who go out to work have formed a wave of work, and it has become increasingly fierce, resulting in a large area of barren farmland in mountainous areas due to no one cultivating it. The total arable land area in China is 1.7 billion acres, of which 45% is distributed in mountainous areas, with an area of 765 million acres. This part of the cultivated land has become barren, which is a major factor causing the national food shortage. The expert group believes that in a sense, the current phenomenon is a national disaster. According to the investigation conducted by the expert group in Shanxi, Henan, Sichuan, Yungui and other places, it was found that some areas account for 30% of the arable land area in mountainous areas, while others even account for over 70% of the arable land area in mountainous areas.

(2) The current situation of rural population in mountainous areas

There are two types of people stranded in rural areas of mountainous areas in China: the elderly and children. At the beginning, as these elderly people still had a certain amount of physical strength, they could take care of the flat and good land. However, as they grew older, their physical strength became exhausted, and even the flat and good land could not be taken care of. These cultivated lands could only become wasteland.

(3) The process of rural land desertification in mountainous areas

The order of barren rural land in mountainous areas is: firstly, the land with large slopes and difficult to cultivate; Next are the farmland with small slopes; Finally, mountain people believe that it is a fertile land for planting rice and wheat.

(4) What grows on the already barren land

What plants are growing on these already barren farmland now? The expert group conducted investigations in many parts of the country and found that there was no planting on these barren lands, and basically all of them grew various types of weeds. The expert group consulted the elderly people in the mountainous area and asked, "Why don't even trees be planted on these fields, leaving them so barren?" The elderly answered, "If one day the children don't work, they will come back and plant these fields. That's all, these lands have been abandoned like this.

(5) This is the crisis of desertification

China is the world's most populous country, and the mountainous population also accounts for a significant proportion of the country's population. Now, a large number of mountainous populations are flocking to cities, and their food originally relies on self-sufficiency in the mountainous areas; Food now relies on urban supply. Originally, many products in their mountainous areas were supplied to other places; Now these lands have become barren and worthless. The problem of utilizing barren land in mountainous areas is a matter of livelihood for the Chinese people and a top priority issue for China.

2. Someone said, "This is not a crisis of desertification, it happens to be a return of farmland to forests.

The expert group believes that the national policy of returning farmland to forests does not mean that mountain farmers turn all their farmland into forest land; At present, the barren land in mountainous areas has no contribution to farmers or the country, which is the key.

China's population is constantly increasing, while arable land is limited. In addition, the existing arable land is constantly decreasing due to desertification and urban development. The limited arable land needs to support 1.4 billion Chinese people. Whether it is wasteland utilization or returning farmland to forests, it is necessary to find an effective method that is suitable for China's national conditions.

Even if returning farmland to forests, it is important to pay attention to what kind of forests are left, with the aim of creating new effects on the previously arable land.

3. Research on the Organization's "Theoretical System of Plant Stem and Leaf Nutrition and Wild Resource Utilization System"

The theoretical system of plant stem and leaf nutrition is the main scientific research achievement of our organization, which means to apply the nutrients in various plant stems and leaves in nature to humans. The main nutrient of various green plants is leaf protein, which is used by humans to expand the scope of human utilization of nature (later introduced in the album materials).

The expert group believes that China's barren land is not equivalent to those mountains and forests. Because it is a fertile land that has been cultivated before, the depth of soil and the level of cultivation management far exceed that of ordinary forest land. So we need to reuse it and not plant some ordinary trees casually. We must plant high-quality varieties that are efficient and easy to manage.

Based on the technical characteristics of the expert group's research, combined with the investigation of natural resources in various parts of China and the research and experimental operation of various plants, the expert group has proposed effective methods for the utilization of these barren lands. The application of this method will revitalize a large area of already barren land in China.

Agricultural and forestry products in mountainous areas have their uniqueness. It is pollution-free, nutritious, and has a good taste, which is its characteristic. It is irreplaceable and also a high-quality product that people pursue. Taking kiwifruit as an example, kiwifruit produced on high mountains and kiwifruit produced on ordinary ground have completely different flavors. The same applies to various vegetables, such as ordinary white radish, which produces fruit type radishes on high mountains. Therefore, the expert group believes that mountainous land cannot be abandoned and must be effectively utilized.

2、 Effective methods for utilizing barren land in mountainous areas of China

1. The main plant varieties that should be planted on barren land

(1) Forage

Achnatherum splendens, Phragmites communis, Leymus chinensis, Alfalfa officinalis, Bark grass, Rumex K-1, Pinus sylvestris, Synopsis chinensis, Huangzhu grass, etc.

These grasses are perennial herbaceous plants that are drought resistant and poorly managed. For example, Achnatherum splendens, Sargassum arundinaceum, and Bark grass are all wild and may not be useful in the eyes of others. However, here, they are all high-quality raw materials for making leaf protein and leaf green feed. After being applied in the feed of herbivores, they can save more than 80% of the food.

China uses various types of feed grains every year, accounting for about 30-40% of the total grain output. Saving food also means making effective contributions to the country's food security.

(2) Six major woody health plant oil plant series

Elaeagnus mollis, Corolla fruticosa, oil peonies, green thorn fruit trees, money maple, olive oil plants.

Six major woody plant oils, pollution-free and of good quality, are the health food oils that people pursue. It has a good effect on preventing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and long-term use can also resist aging. It is currently the best edible health oil in the world.

(3) Series of Taxus, Cedar, and Cephalotaxus

As is well known, paclitaxel, which is contained in the yew plant, is the world renowned first anticancer drug. Among the ten popular cancer treatments worldwide, 8 contain paclitaxel. Taxus chinensis is a first-class protected plant in China. There are 11 species of yew in the world, and there are 6 species in China. Chinese yew grows in various regions from Northeast China to Yunnan and Guizhou (later introduced in album materials).

The paclitaxel contained in yew has powerful functions, but extraction is very difficult, mainly due to expensive equipment and high requirements for branch extraction. Therefore, although China is a large country in yew growth, its products are scarce. After years of research, experts from our organization have developed a series of second-generation yew products, including yew pillows, yew beverages, and yew tea. These products are easy to produce and require minimal investment. It also has good effects in preventing and treating various cancers, which solves the current problem of difficult processing and production of yew.

The branches, leaves, and fruits of Chinese yew, Chinese fir, and Chinese torreya not only have good medicinal value, but their wood is also quite valuable, with a price 10 to 30 times that of pine.

(4) Antioxidant and anti-aging plant series

Black fruit cotoneaster, black fruit glandular rib tulip, blueberry, black goji berry, green willow, etc.

These plant fruits are high in anthocyanins and SOD, which are excellent antioxidant and anti-aging components and also have good effects on disease prevention and fitness.

(5) Wild small fruit plant series

Rosa roxburghii, seabuckthorn, etc.

These wild small fruit drinks are a type of wild product that people pursue, with extraordinary functions. For example, prickly pear fruit is high in vitamin C, with a vitamin content of 2585 milligrams per hundred grams, which is 10.6 times that of jujube, 41.6 times that of kiwifruit, and 55 times that of strawberry.

(6) Rare medicinal herbs series

Golden thread orchid, saffron, mulberry yellow, gynostemma pentaphyllum, Paris polyphylla, etc.

2. Can the various plants listed above effectively utilize abandoned land?

(1) The reason for choosing these plants

The expert group must have two characteristics when selecting the plants listed above: firstly, these plants are mostly wild perennial varieties or those with extensive management and easy harvest. For example, the expert group utilizes barren land to plant plants such as paulownia, acanthum splendens, and alfalfa, which are perennial plants that are harvested 2-4 times a year. In order to ensure yield, fertilizer should be applied every time the crop is harvested. The expert group chose to apply biological fertilizers to these plants, which not only ensured the yield of various plants but also ensured the original ecology of the mountain area. This operation is more time-saving and labor-saving, and both the elderly and children can pick and harvest. Even young people who work outside only need to go home 1-2 times a year, each time for a few days, to help their families complete the harvest without affecting their work outside. Secondly, these varieties have good economic benefits and can bring high income to the family.

In fact, the plant varieties listed by the expert group are limited, and according to the specific situation in various parts of the country, there are far more than these varieties.

(2) Effectively solved the difficulties in various plant cultivation and production of deep processed products, in order to facilitate effective implementation.

There are still many difficulties in cultivation for the various plants listed by the expert group. Our organization's experts have conducted a series of research and practical operations on them for many years, and many varieties have also formed cultivation bases to solve problems in rapid development.

For example, blueberries and Simondwood have high soil requirements, and if the soil is selected incorrectly, they cannot survive. Some countries in the world have introduced these two varieties, but both have failed. There are also many examples of failed cultivation of blueberries in our country. Simon Demu was introduced from the United States in the 1980s when Chairman Deng Xiaoping was in power. It was planted in five or six provinces in China, including Sichuan, Yungui, and Hunan, but failed, with only two areas experiencing occasional success. After years of research and practice, the expert group has finally solved this difficult problem. The indiscriminate cultivation method of blueberries and Simondwood "is a research achievement of the expert group, which has formed a complete set of cultivation methods from cultivation to management, making these two difficult to cultivate varieties not only have a survival rate of over 95%, but also have fast growth, early fruiting, and high yield.

A complete set of technical solutions have been developed for the deep processing of the listed varieties and the production of series products, such as how to process various grasses into leaf protein and leaf green feed raw materials. From factory design to production process, there is also a set of technical solutions and methods; The formula and efficacy of leaf protein application in human health food; Leaf protein and leaf green feed ingredients are used in various feed sources to feed various animals. For example, formulas and effects for chickens, dogs, pigs, and various herbivores.

3、 The effects of wasteland utilization

1. Many products on barren land have a vast international market.

The expert group applies various forage processed leaf proteins, which are urgently needed products in Japan and South Korea; The six major woody plant health oil series of yew series products are popular and urgently needed in Europe and America; Antioxidant and anti-aging series products and wild small fruit series products are popular products in Southeast Asian countries. The vast international market is accompanied by the abundant economic income brought by these products, while also contributing to the country's foreign exchange earnings.

2. It provides effective opportunities for Chinese farmers to lift themselves out of poverty and promote economic revitalization in mountainous areas.

The poverty-stricken population in China is mainly distributed in mountainous areas. The utilization of barren land in mountainous areas has generated strong benefits, increased the economic benefits of farmers, and accelerated the pace of poverty alleviation for impoverished households in mountainous areas.

3. Promoted the development of agricultural industrialization.

Various products from barren land can be processed into a series of products, promoting the development of agricultural industrialization and industrialization. At the same time, unemployed youth and rural idle labor can be arranged, which is conducive to social stability and harmony.

4. The utilization of barren land has also driven the development of forestry economy.

The development of wasteland utilization not only enables those grasses to be processed into leaf protein and leaf green feed, but also those leaves and tender branches to be processed into leaf protein and leaf green feed. This has led to the emergence of a second forestry system - forest stem and leaf forestry, providing new ideas for forestry development.

The display of the effects of various tree species listed by the expert group has broadened the scope of economic forestry and provided new avenues for forestry development.

5. The utilization of barren land has set a model for the adjustment of the agricultural and forestry industry structure.

For many years, from the central to local governments, the government has repeatedly emphasized the "adjustment of the agricultural and forestry industry structure", but the specific operation is very difficult, especially in mountainous areas. The adjustment of the agricultural and forestry industry structure is a difficult problem. Not only should we ensure the sustainable development of agriculture and forestry, and the virtuous cycle of the agricultural and forestry industry, but we also need to ensure the sustainable and effective development of the rural economy. Therefore, the implementation of wasteland utilization has objectively accelerated the sustainable development of rural economy in mountainous areas, optimized the production structure of rural areas, and promoted the rapid growth of farmers' income in mountainous areas.

International Green Global Research and Development Organization

Expert Group

October 22, 2022

If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Zhang at 1838102061

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