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Learn how to do a good job in carbon asset management for power enterprises?

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Carbon asset management includes comprehensive management, technology management, physical management and value management.

▼ Comprehensive management includes the management of planning, system, process, training, consulting, risk, etc., which is the basis of carbon asset management;

▼ Technology management includes the management of emission reduction technology, energy efficiency technology, low-carbon solutions, etc., which is the technical support for the transformation of carbon resources into carbon assets;

▼ Physical management includes carbon inventory, carbon comprehensive utilization, carbon emission, etc., which is the basis of value management;

▼ Value management includes the management of CCER project development, carbon trading and carbon financial derivatives, such as carbon bonds, carbon credits, etc. Value management reflects the realization of carbon asset value.

Among the seven provinces and cities carrying out carbon trading pilot work, the power industry is listed as one of the key emission control industries. With the increasing scarcity of its quota year by year, the quota price will also rise. Therefore, it is particularly important for power enterprises to do a good job in carbon asset management, that is, they can avoid paying high costs to purchase quotas, and at the same time, they can benefit from the carbon emission trading market.

As electric power enterprises have good data monitoring systems, and have cultivated skilled and professional carbon asset management skills in the clean development mechanism market, it is extremely advantageous to conduct carbon asset management in the context of the domestic carbon market. Its elements include: setting up a carbon asset management organization; Establish greenhouse gas reporting system; Develop voluntary emission reduction projects; Carry out carbon trading and compliance.

Establishment of carbon asset management organization

The main task of the organization is to track and feed back the information of enterprise management process in real time and propose solutions for enterprise carbon asset development, carbon market analysis, carbon quota management, emission report preparation, quality control, audit risk control, carbon trading operation, etc.

At the same time, the organization should also set up sub departments such as data analysis, report preparation, audit quality control, and transaction management according to key functional nodes. These departments will conduct information docking and program evaluation and improvement with other professional departments of the enterprise, and improve the comprehensive management ability to achieve the great potential of reducing carbon emissions through cross functional department level integration and optimization cooperation.

Establish greenhouse gas reporting system

In this system, all production activity data information and relevant activity records reported by professional departments of enterprises can be found, including key issues arising from production activities and management communication, real-time statistics of carbon emissions and carbon asset management of enterprises can be made, quota management and other business strategies can be analyzed through software, and the carbon quota trading approval system can be standardized. When the results of enterprise carbon inventory report are completely output, the management process can be traced, Quality control system of carbon asset management process.

Develop voluntary emission reduction projects

Since power enterprises have trained a group of professionals during the development of traditional CDM projects, and there are many similarities between the development of domestic voluntary emission reduction projects and CDM project development, power enterprises can invest in the development of different types of CCER projects in combination with their own resource characteristics, establish an internal adjustment system for voluntary emission reduction, and achieve the current greenhouse gas emission control target by optimizing resource allocation within the region, Reduce emission reduction costs.

Carry out carbon trading and enterprise performance

Through carbon monitoring and carbon inventory, enterprises will carry out carbon trading according to the quotas held and the emissions generated, so as to complete the task of fulfilling the contract, and improve the value of carbon assets to obtain benefits. During the period, with the support of the reporting system, through in-depth understanding of their own carbon emissions and emission reduction costs, carding out potential emission reduction ways, and conducting a detailed assessment and calculation of the emission reduction potential, cost-effectiveness, etc. of different carbon emission reduction ways, the management organization can conduct carbon asset planning and trading simulation operations.

If the enterprise is unable to independently complete the operation of this part, it can cooperate with financial institutions, which will guide the enterprise to buy and sell carbon emission rights at appropriate prices through professional trading means, so that the enterprise can profit from short-term operations and avoid possible carbon price depreciation in long-term holding. At the same time, financial institutions will also provide other modes of services for the enterprise.

Original question: How do electric power enterprises manage carbon assets well?

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